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Watch Dogs 2 | Tidis

I had the opportunity to work on Watch Dogs 2 as a senior level artist and create Tidis Headquarters. This was one of the highest rated and coolest missions in the game! The player had to infiltrate Tidis headquarters, where they learned that large and deadly Spiderbots were being prototyped and were soon-to-be-sold to the highest bidder and militaries. The player had to steal a Spiderbot and use it to destroy Tidis headquarters.
I was responsible for the building exterior and interior, all of the extended grounds and many of the unique location props (iconic desks, sofas, signs, planters, etc). I had a level design partner to collaborate with. There were many technical constraints due to the enormous size of Tidis Headquarters, with not only a huge exterior, but a very sizeable interior space. We ended up being able to seamlessly go from the exterior grounds all the way to the underground Spiderbot before needing a cutscene to load the rest of the mission. The Spiderbot combat arena also had many technical constraints so that the Spiderbot itself would look natural while moving, feel comfortable to play, and most importantly be incredibly fun!

Tidis Front Exterior

Tidis Front Exterior

Tidis Front Extended Park Grounds

Tidis Front Extended Park Grounds

Tidis Rear Shipping Port

Tidis Rear Shipping Port

Tidis Front Lobby

Tidis Front Lobby

Tidis Front Lobby

Tidis Front Lobby

Tidis Research Lab

Tidis Research Lab

Tidis Research Lab Upper Floor

Tidis Research Lab Upper Floor

Tidis CEO Office

Tidis CEO Office

Tidis CEO Office

Tidis CEO Office

Tidis Spider Bot Research Lab

Tidis Spider Bot Research Lab

Tidis Spider Bot Combat Testing

Tidis Spider Bot Combat Testing

Tidis Secure Server Farm

Tidis Secure Server Farm

Tidis Front Entrance Park

Tidis Front Entrance Park